Having a hard time staying productive? Feeling a little too isolated? We’re here for you. All the events below are free and open to the public.
Grab a cup of whatever gets you going in the morning and join us any time between 9:00 and 9:30 am for a morning “stand up” meeting to discuss goals for the day.
Bonus: for a little accountability, check in the next morning and let everyone know how you did (and then share your goals for that day)
Nothing like a work sprint for getting stuff done. Connect with us via Zoom at 10 am any Monday – Friday. We’ll go around the “room” and share what we’re working, then set the timer, and dive in for 40 minutes of focused work, then share some virtual high-five’s when we’re done.
Beat the afternoon slump with a cup of your favorite beverage (we won’t make you drink coffee if you don’t want to) and a quick chat about your day in our virtual break room.